Sunday, March 17, 2013

Checkers - Board Games Made in America

I remember growing up playing Checkers with my dad. He usually won but it was fun just hoping to beat him, plus spending the time with him. My brother would get so mad when dad would win (which was most of the time) he was not a very good sport. I don't think he ever really grew out of that. It was always fun though. I wish more kids played the simple games like Checkers. There are so many video games they would rather play and a lot of them are fun but it's just not the same as sitting down having the interaction with another person.Checkers Made in America  A simple game of Checkers can stimulate the brain development in younger children and promote healthy brain function in the elderly. Checkers requires a lot strategy to be good at it. You have to try to figure out where your opponent is going to move next. So many questions to ask yourself. Which jump is best for me? How can I get a double jump? Where is my opponent going to move next? It can be mind boggling! Thinking like this kicks your brain into overdrive and will force critical thinking. Most children that have been exposed to this kind of thinking at an early age show more potential in school. Young or old everyone can appreciate a good game of Checkers its one of the best games to play. Go get your old Checker set out or go to to purchase an American Made Checkers Set that with last a lifetime.

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